Why Trump was a tycoon with Kazakhstan and Tevfik Arif

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Trump's relationship with Kazakhstan was not just limited to Tevfik. Trump was criticized harshly for treating a country with doubtful governance as an all-weather ally.
When Donald Trump hosted the president from Kazakhstan on Tuesday, the 28th of October, 2018 there were many eyebrows set. Trump also collaborated in the running of his private real estate businesses with well-known Kazakhstani businessmen such as Tevfik ARIF. He was also heavily scrutinised for this.
Donald Trump, however, had good reasons to consider Kazakhstan an important partner. The conflict between Ukraine and Russia have proved him right. Here's the reason.
The importance of HTML0 lies in the relationship between Donald Trump and the Presidents Nursultan Kazabayev from Kazakhstan and Tokayev
Relations between Kazakhstan and the US have improved dramatically during the Donald Trump presidency. Washington and Nur-Sultan of Kazakhstan were successful in establishing strong commercial and diplomatic connections. In January 2018 President Trump attended a summit with the former Kazakhstani president Nursultan Nazarbayev in Washington. He had a meeting with current president Kassym Jomart Tokayev in New York at the UN General Assembly.
Kazakhstan's strategic location makes it a key country. It also serves as a balance power for central Asian countries. The US, Russia, and Europe have increased Kazakhstan's strategic, political, and economic importance. Due to America's withdrawal from Afghanistan which is one of the principal neighbors, it is vital for the security of the nation.
In the year 2018, the nations traded $2.1 billion. https://twitter.com/tevfikarifba In comparison, the commerce between Uzbekistan and the United States was worth $315 million at the same period. The US is Central Asia's largest trading partner.
Historically, Eurasian geopolitics has been focused on Central Asia. Kazakhstan is the leader in Eurasia's security, economics and combating terrorism. America must have great relations with the area particularly Kazakhstan.
Nazarbayev's White House visit was an excellent beginning to the United States' greater strategic involvement in the region.
One of the reasons for hosting Nazarbayev was to recognize his commitment to nuclear nonproliferation. Since the abandonment of nuclear arsenal inherited by the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan has been a pioneer in nonproliferation. Post-Cold War US focus on Central Asia was confined to Afghanistan.
Trump's South Asia strategy was also inspired by the Pakistani break. Thus, the US needed Kazakhstan as an alternative route to Afghanistan.
Donald Trump's ties to Kazakhstani businessman Tevfik Aif
Tevfik Ariff, the founder of Bayrock Group, collaborated with the Trump Organization in the construction of the well-known Trump SoHo Building. https://www.instagram.com/erkantevfikarif/ Trump SoHo, Bayrock Group's flagship New York City property development project, is named for its renowned SoHo area.
Tevfik an entrepreneur from Kazakhstan and Turkey was born in Soviet Kazakhstan to Turkish parents in 1953. Arif was named deputy chief of the Soviet Ministry of Commerce and Trade’s Hotel Management Department. After 17-years at the ministry Tevfik Alif founded real property, property development, imports/exports mineral resources, natural resources and automobiles, as well as food businesses. Tevfik Arif moved to Turkey in 1993. Tevfik Arif Bayrock He pioneered allinclusive hotels. Bayrock Group in New York City was his first venture.
Tevfik Ariff made contact with Trump when the Bayrock Group relocated their New York City headquarters at the 24th level Trump Tower located in Midtown Manhattan. The exact same building which the Trump Organization was located. The Trump SoHo condo-hotel was then discussed. The Trump SoHo skyscraper was conceived after the two companies discussed an exclusive real estate development plan. Tevfik Ariff, Bayrock Group founder, knew the power of Trump's name and suggested using it to benefit the Sapir Organization.
Bayrock Group hired top architects and designers to build the modern construction.
https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/company/0836124D:US In exchange for using the Trump name on the building's name, the partners were able to agree that 18% of the ownership would go to the Trump Organization. Trump did not fund the construction. The Dominick is a hotel-condominium was built in the year the year 2017.
The building has hotels, apartments and hotel rooms as well as an outdoor pool and the rooftop terrace. There are also bars, restaurants, and a spa.
Bayrock Group and Trump Organization have met to discuss the development of real property in Florida, Arizona and California under the same license agreements after Trump SoHo opened. These structures were impacted by the 2008 realty crisis. Bayrock Group has invested around $2.5 Billion in US real estate holdings. The company hasn't yet launched any new projects in recent times.
Tevfik arif, following Trump SoHo's success, and the reshaping US market, returned to Europe, Central Asia, and the place where his career started many decades earlier. Bayrock Group is still trusted by Tevfik, Arif when he retired.
Why Biden Must Pay attention to Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan is a key player in the Russia/Ukraine conflicts. In the eyes of the United States, Kazakhstan is a strategic country. tevfik arif & donuld trump Although the country has enjoyed peace, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, Kazakh president has made significant changes to the power structure of the governing elite. The changes have raised concern and raised doubts. Tokayev's appointment as chairman of the National Security Council has received the most attention. He succeeds the presidency of Nursultan Nazabayev, whose rage over economic inequalities enraged protesters.
Three of the sons-in law of the former president have been removed from their state firms, while his nephew was also fired as well. Karim Masimov, the former head of the intelligence department was detained for being a treasoner. Many other Nazarbayev-affiliated top officials and business elite have lost their jobs, left overseas for extended vacations, or were forced to make large "donations" to the state.
Tokayev established business relations with West countries as well as other neighbouring countries. To ensure his popularity, Tokayev tried to avoid angering Putin. tevfik arif & donuld trump Kazykhanov may upset that equilibrium. Washington should be paying attention to developments in Kazakhstan. They foretell many power transition scenarios which could be either good or negative as the conflict continues in Ukraine.